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Rants of a geek

linduxed's ramblings

Screencasts in Linux

Some time ago I wrote a rant about the sorry state of streaming on Linux. About a month ago I needed to find an application which would record my desktop for a screencast, giving me a perfect opportunity to see if the situation had changed somewhat in this field.

While streaming is still quite bad (video+audio works but there’s still nothing like OBS), desktop recording is in a better spot since you only need the raw footage (bells and whistles can be handled afterwards in a video editor). Although it took some searching, I actually found something with which I can reliably record my desktop, with microphone audio.

Old favourites

At times I forget why I loved a certain artist or composition. The same happens with books, video games and movies. Time has passed and having indulged in the work of art so many times made me forget what made it so special in the first place.

Anime is still anime

Recently my co-worker recommended me an anime series called “Attack on Titan”. The clips on Youtube looked good; the style was pretty cool, it looked like an interesting setting and it looked like the focus was on people trying to survive in a tough world.

Having seen all of the currently released episodes, I can say that all of the above is true! The style, the setting, the story; all of that is there and is enjoyable.

The big issue with the series is that all of above mentioned qualities are wrapped in the shitty package of being an anime.

Spoilers ahead.

Macros and the expression register in Vim

Macros and expressions are two tools that serve the purpose of saving you from either repeating a tedious process or the time switching back and forth between shells to run scripts to manipulate your data with. Both can be (and often are) used separately, but can be used in tandem to do some pretty cool stuff.

So let’s introduce them and see how they work.

Vim plugins - Why, How and Which

A lot of times when I meet “Vim neophytes” they mention that Vim is a great editor, but they miss certain features that they find in their previous editor/IDE of choice. Often this will be a case of them not having learnt the Vim way of doing the same task, but occasionally you’ll have to tell them that “Vim doesn’t do that”.
Indeed, these days if you don’t want to hop between different applications (all of them having the primary purpose of editing text of some kind) you’ll want features that go beyond “editing text”.

These days an editor can’t just be an editor.

Not ready for the switch

Yesterday, for some unknown reason, Pentadactyl decided that it didn’t want to work any more. I still have no idea why, and since I’ve been suspending my computer for quite a few days now, it might actually have to do with me upgrading Firefox from 11 to 12 quite recently. The problem was actually pretty easily solved by downloading the latest nightly and just fire that up, but before I did that, the sudden loss of Vim-style navigation inspired me to pick up an old project of mine:

Moving from Firefox to uzbl.

When the tools just don’t work

Every once in a while you stumble on that area of software that Linux just doesn’t have covered. You might now be thinking that I’d like to talk about audio and video editing. A fair guess, since you’ll hear people talk about these two as areas where the other platforms have significantly more sophisticated software available. But this isn’t what I’m going to talk about.

Code I enjoy

Being a CS student means that I will be forced to code in a variety of languages. A lot of our code will be written in Java or C++, but we’ll necessarily get in touch with many other languages, spanning over multiple paradigms.

By no means am I a good programmer yet, but the exposure to the different ways of crafting code has led me to think about what I value (as a novice programmer) in a language. It’s, after all, my main tool of expression.
Is it the brevity of the code? What the community surrounding the language is like? Paradigm or strong vs. weak typing? Or could it be that I need the language to be as “simple” as possible for me to be able to formulate ideas?

Just a toy

Yesterday I had an experience that was moving. It felt special, yet to the casual observer it would have been anything but special.

It involved a Rubik puzzle that I hadn’t solved yet, and I just felt like finishing it. After all, I know how to solve a 2x2x2, so this one shouldn’t have posed a problem.